A Need works on a premise that one man’s waste can be another man’s richness. The main objective of the CSR project is to provide the necessary things to millions of poor and needy people who face great hardship and health risk due to lack of proper clothing and other basic things in far-flung areas, urban slums of the country. You can donate anything in good condition that you don’t use anymore which might help someone in need like clothes, utensils, electrical appliances (washing machine, laptop, Mobile, computer etc.), bed sheets, toys, blankets, shoes, sporting goods, furniture’s, stationery, books (We do not accept syllabus books) etc. These items will be sorted, repaired, sewed, packaged, transported and distributed in the place of need across the country.

Bigger Than Life
Bigger Than Life is a group of enthusiastic, dynamic and zealous young people who love to help and support those in need.’ As the group says about themselves, distinctions between people do not matter as they spend time helping and interacting with underprivileged children from the streets of Bandra. This group of likeminded youngsters get together every Saturday with a single goal to try and create a future for the children. The evenings are full of fun, interaction and learning through play. While you can definitely donate clothes for the children, they also require school related items like notebooks, pens, pencils, crayons, school bags, water bottles, sketch pens, geometry instruments, erasers, sharpeners etc. For further information please click https://www.biggerthanlife.in
Bal Asha Trust
Bal Asha Trust provides love and cares to children including those with special needs at its quality childcare centre. They work towards finding adoptive families for children who are placed through a legal process. Bal Asha Trust conceptualises, designs, initiates and implements programs such as health care, nutrition, education, counselling, family strengthening, adoption and residential homes for the abandoned and destitute. You can donate clothes for infants and young children directly at the centre. For further information please click here: https://www.facebook.com/BALASHATRUST/
Angel Xpress Foundation
This non-profit organisation works towards educating underprivileged children living in slum areas through community involvement. Well educated and more fortunate volunteers are connected with the children in need of education to enable conducting of free classes in public spaces called community learning centres. Volunteers include 14 and 15 year old school children, young professionals, home makers, freelancers and senior citizens. To know which centres are accepting donation of clothes please call the centre heads. For further information please click here: https://www.facebook.com/pg/AngelXpressFoundation/about/?ref=page_internal
St Jude India ChildCare Centres
Tata Memorial Hospital is the ray of hope for cancer affected children many of whom come from distant towns and villages to avail of the free of cost medical assistance. Most of these children and their families don’t have suitable accommodation in Mumbai. The treatment sometimes ends up incomplete for the children who live in unhygienic conditions and have low quality food.
St. Jude India ChildCare Centres is a non-profit organisation that since 2006 has been providing holistic care to these children and their families by offering them an environment that is comfortable and suitable for recuperation. The care extends beyond just giving them comfortable accommodation to aspects like healthy food provisions, recreational activities, transport facilities for hospital visits, and education support. You can donate clothes for children. For further information please click here: https://www.stjudechild.org
Kapda Bank
Kapda Bank is a social initiative to provide clothes for homeless, poor people. They appeal to all to offer used clothes that will then be given to underprivileged children. For further information please click here: https://www.facebook.com/KapdaaBank/
Community Fridge
An underprivileged woman, child in town, tentatively approaches a ‘community fridge’ set up off Ammu Arcade, Mahsoba Maidan in Kalyan West on 25th April morning. Locals hand them packets containing freshly made poha. A few minutes later, stomachs full, they’re beaming. It was under Abode Relocation CSR activity, who set up the fridge on 25th April. “The fridge doesn’t only cater to the underprivileged but also provides loaders, autorickshaw drivers and other workers also stop by to grab a bite when they’re hungry”.